World of Might and Magic
Open reimplementation of Might and Magic 6 7 8 game engine
Полный список членов класса LightmapBuilder, включая наследуемые из базового класса
_45BE86_build_light_polygon(Vec3_int_ *pos, float radius, unsigned int uColorMask, float dot_dist, int uLightType, struct stru314 *a7, unsigned int uNumVertices, RenderVertexSoft *a9, char uClipFlag) | LightmapBuilder | |
_45C4B9(int a2, struct RenderVertexSoft *a3, Lightmap *pLightmap) | LightmapBuilder | |
_45C6D6(int a2, struct RenderVertexSoft *a3, Lightmap *pLightmap) | LightmapBuilder | |
_45CA88(struct LightsData *a2, struct RenderVertexSoft *a3, int a4, struct Vec3_float_ *pNormal) | LightmapBuilder | |
_45CB89(struct RenderVertexSoft *a1, int a2) | LightmapBuilder | |
_45CBD4(struct RenderVertexSoft *a2, int a3, int *a4, int *a5) | LightmapBuilder | |
_45CC0C_light(struct Vec3_float_ a1, float a2, float a3, struct Vec3_float_ *pNormal, float a5, int uLightType) | LightmapBuilder | |
_45D643_sw(struct Edge *a1, float a2) | LightmapBuilder | |
ApplyLight_BLV(struct StationaryLight *pLight, struct BLVFace *a2, unsigned int *pSlot, bool bLightBackfaces, char *a5) | LightmapBuilder | |
ApplyLight_ODM(struct StationaryLight *pLight, struct ODMFace *pFace, unsigned int *pSlot, bool bLightBackfaces) | LightmapBuilder | |
ApplyLights(struct LightsData *a2, struct stru154 *a3, unsigned int uNumVertices, struct RenderVertexSoft *a5, struct IndoorCameraD3D_Vec4 *, char uClipFlag) | LightmapBuilder | |
ApplyLights_IndoorFace(unsigned int uFaceID) | LightmapBuilder | |
ApplyLights_OutdoorFace(struct ODMFace *pFace) | LightmapBuilder | |
DoDraw_183808_Lightmaps(float a2) | LightmapBuilder | |
Draw_183808_Lightmaps() | LightmapBuilder | |
DrawDebugOutlines(char bit_one_for_list1__bit_two_for_list2) | LightmapBuilder | |
DrawLightmaps(int indices) | LightmapBuilder | |
DrawLightmapsType(int type) | LightmapBuilder | |
field_3C8C34 | LightmapBuilder | |
flt_3C8C28 | LightmapBuilder | |
flt_3C8C2C_lightmaps_brightness | LightmapBuilder | |
light_length_x | LightmapBuilder | |
light_length_x2 | LightmapBuilder | |
light_length_y | LightmapBuilder | |
light_length_y2 | LightmapBuilder | |
light_length_z | LightmapBuilder | |
light_length_z2 | LightmapBuilder | |
light_radius | LightmapBuilder | |
LightmapBuilder() | LightmapBuilder | |
log | LightmapBuilder | |
MobileLights | LightmapBuilder | |
MobileLightsCount | LightmapBuilder | |
StackLight_TerrainFace(struct StationaryLight *pLight, struct Vec3_float_ *pNormal, float *a3, struct RenderVertexSoft *a1, unsigned int uStripType, int X, unsigned int *pSlot) | LightmapBuilder | |
StackLights_TerrainFace(struct Vec3_float_ *pNormal, float *a3, struct RenderVertexSoft *a1, unsigned int uStripType, bool bLightBackfaces) | LightmapBuilder | |
StationaryLights | LightmapBuilder | |
StationaryLightsCount | LightmapBuilder | |
tex_light_radius | LightmapBuilder | |
uFlags | LightmapBuilder | |
~LightmapBuilder() | LightmapBuilder | inlinevirtual |