World of Might and Magic  0.2.0
Open reimplementation of Might and Magic 6 7 8 game engine
Структура xvmc_pix_fmt

#include <xvmc.h>

Открытые атрибуты

int xvmc_id
short * data_blocks
XvMCMacroBlock * mv_blocks
int allocated_mv_blocks
int allocated_data_blocks
int idct
int unsigned_intra
XvMCSurface * p_surface
XvMCSurface * p_past_surface
XvMCSurface * p_future_surface
unsigned int picture_structure
unsigned int flags
int start_mv_blocks_num
int filled_mv_blocks_num
int next_free_data_block_num

Подробное описание

См. определение в файле xvmc.h строка 46

Данные класса

◆ xvmc_id

int xvmc_pix_fmt::xvmc_id

The field contains the special constant value AV_XVMC_ID. It is used as a test that the application correctly uses the API, and that there is no corruption caused by pixel routines.

  • application - set during initialization
  • libavcodec - unchanged

См. определение в файле xvmc.h строка 53

◆ data_blocks

short* xvmc_pix_fmt::data_blocks

Pointer to the block array allocated by XvMCCreateBlocks(). The array has to be freed by XvMCDestroyBlocks(). Each group of 64 values represents one data block of differential pixel information (in MoCo mode) or coefficients for IDCT.

  • application - set the pointer during initialization
  • libavcodec - fills coefficients/pixel data into the array

См. определение в файле xvmc.h строка 62

◆ mv_blocks

XvMCMacroBlock* xvmc_pix_fmt::mv_blocks

Pointer to the macroblock description array allocated by XvMCCreateMacroBlocks() and freed by XvMCDestroyMacroBlocks().

  • application - set the pointer during initialization
  • libavcodec - fills description data into the array

См. определение в файле xvmc.h строка 69

◆ allocated_mv_blocks

int xvmc_pix_fmt::allocated_mv_blocks

Number of macroblock descriptions that can be stored in the mv_blocks array.

  • application - set during initialization
  • libavcodec - unchanged

См. определение в файле xvmc.h строка 76

◆ allocated_data_blocks

int xvmc_pix_fmt::allocated_data_blocks

Number of blocks that can be stored at once in the data_blocks array.

  • application - set during initialization
  • libavcodec - unchanged

См. определение в файле xvmc.h строка 82

◆ idct

int xvmc_pix_fmt::idct

Indicate that the hardware would interpret data_blocks as IDCT coefficients and perform IDCT on them.

  • application - set during initialization
  • libavcodec - unchanged

См. определение в файле xvmc.h строка 89

◆ unsigned_intra

int xvmc_pix_fmt::unsigned_intra

In MoCo mode it indicates that intra macroblocks are assumed to be in unsigned format; same as the XVMC_INTRA_UNSIGNED flag.

  • application - set during initialization
  • libavcodec - unchanged

См. определение в файле xvmc.h строка 96

◆ p_surface

XvMCSurface* xvmc_pix_fmt::p_surface

Pointer to the surface allocated by XvMCCreateSurface(). It has to be freed by XvMCDestroySurface() on application exit. It identifies the frame and its state on the video hardware.

  • application - set during initialization
  • libavcodec - unchanged

См. определение в файле xvmc.h строка 104

◆ p_past_surface

XvMCSurface* xvmc_pix_fmt::p_past_surface

Set by the decoder before calling ff_draw_horiz_band(), needed by the XvMCRenderSurface function. Pointer to the surface used as past reference

  • application - unchanged
  • libavcodec - set

См. определение в файле xvmc.h строка 113

◆ p_future_surface

XvMCSurface* xvmc_pix_fmt::p_future_surface

Pointer to the surface used as future reference

  • application - unchanged
  • libavcodec - set

См. определение в файле xvmc.h строка 119

◆ picture_structure

unsigned int xvmc_pix_fmt::picture_structure

top/bottom field or frame

  • application - unchanged
  • libavcodec - set

См. определение в файле xvmc.h строка 125

◆ flags

unsigned int xvmc_pix_fmt::flags

XVMC_SECOND_FIELD - 1st or 2nd field in the sequence

  • application - unchanged
  • libavcodec - set

См. определение в файле xvmc.h строка 131

◆ start_mv_blocks_num

int xvmc_pix_fmt::start_mv_blocks_num

Number of macroblock descriptions in the mv_blocks array that have already been passed to the hardware.

  • application - zeroes it on get_buffer(). A successful ff_draw_horiz_band() may increment it with filled_mb_block_num or zero both.
  • libavcodec - unchanged

См. определение в файле xvmc.h строка 141

◆ filled_mv_blocks_num

int xvmc_pix_fmt::filled_mv_blocks_num

Number of new macroblock descriptions in the mv_blocks array (after start_mv_blocks_num) that are filled by libavcodec and have to be passed to the hardware.

  • application - zeroes it on get_buffer() or after successful ff_draw_horiz_band().
  • libavcodec - increment with one of each stored MB

См. определение в файле xvmc.h строка 150

◆ next_free_data_block_num

int xvmc_pix_fmt::next_free_data_block_num

Number of the next free data block; one data block consists of 64 short values in the data_blocks array. All blocks before this one have already been claimed by placing their position into the corresponding block description structure field, that are part of the mv_blocks array.

  • application - zeroes it on get_buffer(). A successful ff_draw_horiz_band() may zero it together with start_mb_blocks_num.
  • libavcodec - each decoded macroblock increases it by the number of coded blocks it contains.

См. определение в файле xvmc.h строка 163

Объявления и описания членов структуры находятся в файле: