World of Might and Magic
Open reimplementation of Might and Magic 6 7 8 game engine
const uint8_t TranslateKeyNameToKeyCode(const char *Str)
void EnterText(int a2, int max_string_len, GUIWindow *pWindow)
void EnterCriticalSection()
void ProcessInputActions()
bool WasKeyPressed(int vKey)
void SetKeyMapping(int uAction, int vKey, KeyToggleType type)
char pPressedKeysBuffer[257]
unsigned int pVirtualKeyCodesMapping[30]
unsigned int GetActionVKey(enum InputAction eAction)
void SetWindowInputStatus(int a2)
void(*** vdestructor_ptr)(Keyboard *, bool)
unsigned int bUsingAsynKeyboard
typedef void(SDLCALL *SDL_AudioFilter)(struct SDL_AudioCVT *cvt
const char * GetVKeyDisplayName(unsigned char a1)
unsigned int uLastKeyPressed
static bool IsKeyBeingHeld(int vKey)
KeyToggleType pToggleTypes[30]
struct KeyboardActionMapping * pKeyActionMap
bool ProcessTextInput(unsigned int a2)