World of Might and Magic  0.2.0
Open reimplementation of Might and Magic 6 7 8 game engine
Файл rational.h

См. исходные тексты.


struct  AVRational

Определения типов

typedef struct AVRational AVRational


static AVRational av_make_q (int num, int den)
static int av_cmp_q (AVRational a, AVRational b)
static double av_q2d (AVRational a)
int av_reduce (int *dst_num, int *dst_den, int64_t num, int64_t den, int64_t max)
AVRational av_mul_q (AVRational b, AVRational c) av_const
AVRational av_div_q (AVRational b, AVRational c) av_const
AVRational av_add_q (AVRational b, AVRational c) av_const
AVRational av_sub_q (AVRational b, AVRational c) av_const
static av_always_inline AVRational av_inv_q (AVRational q)
AVRational av_d2q (double d, int max) av_const
int av_nearer_q (AVRational q, AVRational q1, AVRational q2)
int av_find_nearest_q_idx (AVRational q, const AVRational *q_list)
uint32_t av_q2intfloat (AVRational q)

Подробное описание

Utilties for rational number calculation.

Michael Niedermayer

См. определение в файле rational.h