World of Might and Magic  0.2.0
Open reimplementation of Might and Magic 6 7 8 game engine
Список устаревших определений и описаний
Член av_bitstream_filter_close (AVBitStreamFilterContext *bsf)
the old bitstream filtering API (using AVBitStreamFilterContext) is deprecated. Use av_bsf_free() from the new bitstream filtering API (using AVBSFContext).
Член av_bitstream_filter_filter (AVBitStreamFilterContext *bsfc, AVCodecContext *avctx, const char *args, uint8_t **poutbuf, int *poutbuf_size, const uint8_t *buf, int buf_size, int keyframe)
the old bitstream filtering API (using AVBitStreamFilterContext) is deprecated. Use av_bsf_send_packet() and av_bsf_receive_packet() from the new bitstream filtering API (using AVBSFContext).
Член av_bitstream_filter_init (const char *name)
the old bitstream filtering API (using AVBitStreamFilterContext) is deprecated. Use av_bsf_get_by_name(), av_bsf_alloc(), and av_bsf_init() from the new bitstream filtering API (using AVBSFContext).
Член av_bitstream_filter_next (const AVBitStreamFilter *f)
the old bitstream filtering API (using AVBitStreamFilterContext) is deprecated. Use av_bsf_iterate() from the new bitstream filtering API (using AVBSFContext).
Член av_copy_packet (AVPacket *dst, const AVPacket *src)
Use av_packet_ref
Член av_copy_packet_side_data (AVPacket *dst, const AVPacket *src)
Use av_packet_copy_props
Член av_dup_packet (AVPacket *pkt)
Use av_packet_ref or av_packet_make_refcounted
Член av_free_packet (AVPacket *pkt)
Use av_packet_unref
Член av_get_codec_tag_string (char *buf, size_t buf_size, unsigned int codec_tag)
see av_fourcc_make_string() and av_fourcc2str().
Член av_hwaccel_next (const AVHWAccel *hwaccel)
AVHWaccel structures contain no user-serviceable parts, so this function should not be used.
Член av_lockmgr_register (int(*cb)(void **mutex, enum AVLockOp op))
This function does nothing, and always returns 0. Be sure to build with thread support to get basic thread safety.
Член av_parser_change (AVCodecParserContext *s, AVCodecContext *avctx, uint8_t **poutbuf, int *poutbuf_size, const uint8_t *buf, int buf_size, int keyframe)
use AVBitStreamFilter
Член av_picture_copy (AVPicture *dst, const AVPicture *src, enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmt, int width, int height)
av_image_copy() instead.
Член av_picture_crop (AVPicture *dst, const AVPicture *src, enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmt, int top_band, int left_band)
Член av_picture_pad (AVPicture *dst, const AVPicture *src, int height, int width, enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmt, int padtop, int padbottom, int padleft, int padright, int *color)
Член av_register_bitstream_filter (AVBitStreamFilter *bsf)
the old bitstream filtering API (using AVBitStreamFilterContext) is deprecated. Use the new bitstream filtering API (using AVBSFContext).
Член av_register_hwaccel (AVHWAccel *hwaccel)
This function doesn't do anything.
Член av_tempfile (const char *prefix, char **filename, int log_offset, void *log_ctx)
as fd numbers cannot be passed saftely between libs on some platforms
Член av_vdpau_get_profile (AVCodecContext *avctx, VdpDecoderProfile *profile)
Use av_vdpau_bind_context() instead.
Член avcodec_copy_context (AVCodecContext *dest, const AVCodecContext *src)
The semantics of this function are ill-defined and it should not be used. If you need to transfer the stream parameters from one codec context to another, use an intermediate AVCodecParameters instance and the avcodec_parameters_from_context() / avcodec_parameters_to_context() functions.
Член avcodec_decode_audio4 (AVCodecContext *avctx, AVFrame *frame, int *got_frame_ptr, const AVPacket *avpkt)
Use avcodec_send_packet() and avcodec_receive_frame().
Член avcodec_decode_video2 (AVCodecContext *avctx, AVFrame *picture, int *got_picture_ptr, const AVPacket *avpkt)
Use avcodec_send_packet() and avcodec_receive_frame().
Член avcodec_encode_audio2 (AVCodecContext *avctx, AVPacket *avpkt, const AVFrame *frame, int *got_packet_ptr)
use avcodec_send_frame()/avcodec_receive_packet() instead
Член avcodec_encode_video2 (AVCodecContext *avctx, AVPacket *avpkt, const AVFrame *frame, int *got_packet_ptr)
use avcodec_send_frame()/avcodec_receive_packet() instead
Член avcodec_find_best_pix_fmt_of_2 (enum AVPixelFormat dst_pix_fmt1, enum AVPixelFormat dst_pix_fmt2, enum AVPixelFormat src_pix_fmt, int has_alpha, int *loss_ptr)
see av_find_best_pix_fmt_of_2()
Член avcodec_get_chroma_sub_sample (enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmt, int *h_shift, int *v_shift)
Use av_pix_fmt_get_chroma_sub_sample
Член avcodec_get_context_defaults3 (AVCodecContext *s, const AVCodec *codec)
This function should not be used, as closing and opening a codec context multiple time is not supported. A new codec context should be allocated for each new use.
Член avcodec_get_pix_fmt_loss (enum AVPixelFormat dst_pix_fmt, enum AVPixelFormat src_pix_fmt, int has_alpha)
see av_get_pix_fmt_loss()
Член AVCodecContext::b_frame_strategy
use encoder private options instead
Член AVCodecContext::b_sensitivity
use encoder private options instead
Член AVCodecContext::brd_scale
use encoder private options instead
Член AVCodecContext::chromaoffset
use encoder private options instead
Член AVCodecContext::coded_frame
use the quality factor packet side data instead
Член AVCodecContext::coder_type
use encoder private options instead
Член AVCodecContext::context_model
use encoder private options instead
Член AVCodecContext::frame_bits
this field is unused
Член AVCodecContext::frame_skip_cmp
use encoder private options instead
Член AVCodecContext::frame_skip_exp
use encoder private options instead
Член AVCodecContext::frame_skip_factor
use encoder private options instead
Член AVCodecContext::frame_skip_threshold
use encoder private options instead
Член AVCodecContext::max_prediction_order
use encoder private options instead
Член AVCodecContext::me_penalty_compensation
use encoder private options instead
Член AVCodecContext::min_prediction_order
use encoder private options instead
Член AVCodecContext::mpeg_quant
use encoder private options instead
Член AVCodecContext::noise_reduction
use encoder private options instead
Член AVCodecContext::pre_me
use encoder private options instead
Член AVCodecContext::prediction_method
use encoder private options instead
Член AVCodecContext::rtp_callback )(struct AVCodecContext *avctx, void *data, int size, int mb_nb)
Член AVCodecContext::rtp_payload_size
use encoder private options instead
Член AVCodecContext::scenechange_threshold
use encoder private options instead
Член AVCodecContext::side_data_only_packets
this field disables the default behaviour and it is kept only for compatibility.
Член AVCodecContext::timecode_frame_start
use encoder private options instead
Член AVCodecContext::vbv_delay
this value is now exported as a part of AV_PKT_DATA_CPB_PROPERTIES packet side data
Член AVCodecParserContext::convergence_duration
Член avfilter_link_get_channels (AVFilterLink *link)
Use av_buffersink_get_channels()
Член avfilter_link_set_closed (AVFilterLink *link, int closed)
applications are not supposed to mess with links, they should close the sinks.
Член AVFormatContext::filename [1024]
Use url instead.
Член AVFormatContext::open_cb )(struct AVFormatContext *s, AVIOContext **p, const char *url, int flags, const AVIOInterruptCB *int_cb, AVDictionary **options)
Use io_open and io_close.
Член AVFrame::error [AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS]
Член AVFrame::pkt_pts
use the pts field instead
Член AVLockOp
Deprecated together with av_lockmgr_register().
Член AVPacket::convergence_duration
Same as the duration field, but as int64_t. This was required for Matroska subtitles, whose duration values could overflow when the duration field was still an int.
Член AVPicture
use AVFrame or imgutils functions instead
Член avpicture_alloc (AVPicture *picture, enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmt, int width, int height)
Член avpicture_fill (AVPicture *picture, const uint8_t *ptr, enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmt, int width, int height)
use av_image_fill_arrays() instead.
Член avpicture_free (AVPicture *picture)
Член avpicture_get_size (enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmt, int width, int height)
use av_image_get_buffer_size() instead.
Член avpicture_layout (const AVPicture *src, enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmt, int width, int height, unsigned char *dest, int dest_size)
use av_image_copy_to_buffer() instead.
Член AVStream::codec
use the codecpar struct instead
Член AVStream::recommended_encoder_configuration
Член AVSubtitleRect::pict
Файл dict.h
AVDictionary is provided for compatibility with libav. It is both in implementation as well as API inefficient. It does not scale and is extremely slow with large dictionaries. It is recommended that new code uses our tree container from tree.c/h where applicable, which uses AVL trees to achieve O(log n) performance.
Файл SDL_types.h