World of Might and Magic
Open reimplementation of Might and Magic 6 7 8 game engine
См. документацию.
4 #define LSTR_ELIGIBLE_TO_LEVELUP 147 // "You are eligible to train to %u."
5 #define LSTR_NOT_ENOUGH_GOLD 155 // "You don't have enough gold"
6 #define LSTR_XP_UNTIL_NEXT_LEVEL 538 // "You need %d more experience to train to level %d"
79 const char *
unsigned int index)
const {
const char * GetString(unsigned int index) const
const char * GetCharacterConditionName(unsigned int index) const
void InitializeSkillNames()
const char * skill_descriptions_grand[38]
void InitializeSpellSchoolNames()
void InitializeAttributeNames()
const char * spell_names[44]
const char * attribute_names[7]
const char * skill_names[38]
char * attribute_desc_raw
const char * GetSpellName(unsigned int index) const
const char * mm6_item_categories[14]
const char * GetSkillName(unsigned int index) const
const char * moon_phase_names[5]
const char * class_names[36]
const char * npc_profession_names[59]
const char * GetMoonPhaseName(unsigned int index) const
const char * GetSkillDescriptionExpert(unsigned int index) const
const char * GetSkillDescriptionNormal(unsigned int index) const
const char * attribute_descriptions[7]
const char * GetAttributeDescription(unsigned int index) const
const char * day_names[7]
void InitializeMonthNames()
const char * GetSpellSchoolName(unsigned int index) const
const char * skill_descriptions[38]
void InitializeCharacterConditionNames()
const char * GetSkillDescriptionGrand(unsigned int index) const
const char * skill_descriptions_normal[38]
Localization * localization
const char * GetSkillDescription(unsigned int index) const
const char * GetClassDescription(unsigned int index) const
const char * class_desciptions[36]
const char * skill_descriptions_expert[38]
const char * month_names[12]
const char * GetAmPm(unsigned int index) const
void InitializeMm6ItemCategories()
const char * GetAttirubteName(unsigned int index) const
const char * character_conditions[19]
const char * GetMonthName(unsigned int index) const
void InitializeDayNames()
String FormatString(unsigned int index,...) const
const char * GetNpcProfessionName(unsigned int index) const
const char * GetDayName(unsigned int index) const
const char * GetClassName(unsigned int index) const
const char ** localization_strings
void InitializeMoonPhaseNames()
const char * spell_school_names[9]
const char * skill_descriptions_master[38]
const char * GetSkillDescriptionMaster(unsigned int index) const
void InitializeNpcProfessionNames()
void InitializeSpellNames()
void InitializeClassNames()