World of Might and Magic
Open reimplementation of Might and Magic 6 7 8 game engine
См. документацию.
21 struct Vec3_float_ *out_normal,
float *out_distance);
24 unsigned int uNumVertices,
void CalcPolygonLimits(struct BLVFace *pFace, struct RenderVertexSoft pOutVertices[4])
GLenum GLuint GLint GLenum face
bool FindFaceNormal(struct RenderVertexSoft *pFaceBounding1, struct RenderVertexSoft *pFaceBounding2, struct Vec3_float_ *pRayStart, struct IndoorCameraD3D_Vec4 *pPortalDataFrustum)
bool CalcFaceBounding(struct BLVFace *pFace, struct RenderVertexSoft *pFaceLimits, unsigned int uNumVertices, struct RenderVertexSoft *pOutBounding)
bool CalcPortalShape(struct BLVFace *pFace, struct IndoorCameraD3D_Vec4 *pPortalDataFrustum, struct RenderVertexSoft *pOutBounding)
struct RenderVertexD3D3 pVertices[50]
void(*** vdestructor_ptr)(stru10 *, bool)
char _49C720(struct RenderVertexSoft *pFaceBounding, struct IndoorCameraD3D_Vec4 *pPortalDataFrustum)
void _49CE9E(struct BLVFace *pFace, struct RenderVertexSoft *pVertices, unsigned int uNumVertices, RenderVertexSoft *pOutLimits)
bool FindFacePlane(struct RenderVertexSoft *face, struct Vec3_float_ *out_normal, float *out_distance)
typedef void(SDLCALL *SDL_AudioFilter)(struct SDL_AudioCVT *cvt
int bDoNotDrawPortalFrustum
char _49C5DA(struct BLVFace *pFace, struct RenderVertexSoft *pVertices, unsigned int *pNumVertices, struct IndoorCameraD3D_Vec4 *a5, struct RenderVertexSoft *pOutBounding)