World of Might and Magic  0.2.0
Open reimplementation of Might and Magic 6 7 8 game engine

См. исходные тексты.


int av_hash_alloc (struct AVHashContext **ctx, const char *name)
const char * av_hash_names (int i)
const char * av_hash_get_name (const struct AVHashContext *ctx)
int av_hash_get_size (const struct AVHashContext *ctx)
void av_hash_init (struct AVHashContext *ctx)
void av_hash_update (struct AVHashContext *ctx, const uint8_t *src, int len)
void av_hash_update (struct AVHashContext *ctx, const uint8_t *src, size_t len)
void av_hash_final (struct AVHashContext *ctx, uint8_t *dst)
void av_hash_final_bin (struct AVHashContext *ctx, uint8_t *dst, int size)
void av_hash_final_hex (struct AVHashContext *ctx, uint8_t *dst, int size)
void av_hash_final_b64 (struct AVHashContext *ctx, uint8_t *dst, int size)
void av_hash_freep (struct AVHashContext **ctx)

Подробное описание

Generic hashing API

См. определение в файле hash.h