World of Might and Magic
Open reimplementation of Might and Magic 6 7 8 game engine
См. документацию.
72 extern std::array<std::array<char, 14>, 7>
85 extern std::array<std::array<unsigned char, 25>, 48>
86 extern std::array<std::array<unsigned char, 8>, 110>
87 extern std::array<int16_t, 4>
89 extern std::array<std::array<char, 37>, 36>
227 extern std::array<std::array<char, 100>, 6>
228 extern std::array<struct NPCData *, 7>
262 extern std::array<char, 10000>
313 extern std::array<char, 16>
329 #define GAME_SETTINGS_0001 0x0001
331 #define GAME_SETTINGS_NO_INTRO 0x0004
332 #define GAME_SETTINGS_NO_LOGO 0x0008
333 #define GAME_SETTINGS_NO_SOUND 0x0010
334 #define GAME_SETTINGS_NO_WALK_SOUND 0x0020
335 #define GAME_SETTINGS_NO_HOUSE_ANIM 0x0040
338 #define GAME_SETTINGS_0200_EVENT_TIMER 0x0200
339 #define GAME_SETTINGS_0400_MISC_TIMER 0x0400
340 #define GAME_SETTINGS_0800 0x0800
341 #define GAME_SETTINGS_1000 0x1000
342 #define GAME_SETTINGS_2000 0x2000 // initialisation state - no respawning
343 #define GAME_SETTINGS_4000 0x4000 // initialisation state
374 extern std::array<const char *, 82>
int _506568_autonote_type
float fTurnSpeedMultiplier
int _5C35C0_force_party_death
unsigned int uIconIdx_FlySpell
int lloyds_beacon_spell_id
char * pPotionNotesTXT_Raw
unsigned int uPlayerCreationUI_SelectedCharacter
signed int sDialogue_SpeakingActorNPC_ID
std::array< int, 3000 > event_triggers
int dword_F8B1B0_MasteryBeingTaught
int dword_507B00_spell_info_to_draw_in_popup
std::array< uint8_t, 14 > pPartySpellbuffsUI_smthns
int _50C9D0_AfterEnchClickEventId
std::array< unsigned int, 4 > pHealthBarPos
std::array< int, 20 > current_Face_id
const char * format_4E2DE8
std::array< bool, 28 > GameMenuUI_InvaligKeyBindingsFlags
int dword_5B65C4_cancelEventProcessing
std::array< int, 50 > dword_50B638
char town_portal_caster_id
unsigned int uLevelMapStatsID
std::array< unsigned int, 28 > pPrevVirtualCidesMapping
int some_active_character
std::array< struct NPCData *, 7 > HouseNPCData
std::array< int, 500 > ai_near_actors_distances
unsigned int uActiveCharacter
float flt_6BE3A8_debug_recmod2
std::array< int, 500 > ai_near_actors_targets_pid
unsigned char hourglass_icon_idx
std::array< int16_t, 4 > RightClickPortraitXmax
std::array< const char *, 82 > pScrolls
std::array< int16_t, 777 > word_720DB0_xs
int books_primary_item_per_page
std::array< int16_t, 32 > word_4F0F30
std::array< int, 6 > dword_4E4590
int _50C9D8_AfterEnchClickEventTimeout
int dword_50C998_turnbased_icon_1A
std::array< char, 88 > monster_popup_y_offsets
std::array< unsigned int, 500 > ai_near_actors_ids
const char * Stat_string_format_2_column_over_100
int dword_5B65D0_dialogue_actor_npc_id
struct Vec3_float_ * pTerrainNormals
std::array< float, 10 > flt_4E4A80
std::array< int, 20 > dword_720E80
int npcIdToDismissAfterDialogue
std::array< const char *, 25 > pPlayerPortraitsNames
struct Actor * pDialogue_SpeakingActor
std::array< int, 100 > _50BF30_actors_in_viewport_ids
std::array< int, 500 > ai_array_4F5E68
const char * format_4E2D80
std::array< std::array< unsigned char, 8 >, 110 > SoundSetAction
std::array< int, 6 > dword_4E45A8
int uRestUI_FoodRequiredToRest
std::array< unsigned int, 2 > pHiredNPCsIconsOffsetsX
std::array< unsigned int, 2 > saveload_dlg_zs
std::array< std::array< unsigned char, 25 >, 48 > byte_4ECF08
char * pSkillPointsAttributeDescription
std::array< char, 54 > party_has_equipment
const char * Stat_string_format_2_column_less_100
std::array< unsigned char, 14 > byte_4E5DD8
int _6BE134_odm_main_tile_group
std::array< int16_t, 104 > odm_floor_face_vert_coord_X
std::array< char, 777 > byte_F8B1EF
GameTime GameUI_RightPanel_BookFlashTimer
char cMM7GameCDDriveLetter
unsigned int uIconID_TurnStop
unsigned int uNumBlueFacesInBLVMinimap
char * Party_Teleport_Map_Name
std::array< int, 6 > dword_4E4560
std::array< const char *, 7 > pMerchantsIdentifyPhrases
unsigned int uRequiredMana
int Party_Teleport_Cam_Yaw
std::array< int, 299 > dword_7201B0_zvalues
int Autonotes_Instructors_page_flag
int16_t bountyHunting_monster_id_for_hunting
std::array< int, 7 > dword_4EC28C
char dialogue_show_profession_details
unsigned int uIconID_TurnStart
int uGameMenuUI_CurentlySelectedKeyIdx
std::array< std::array< char, 37 >, 36 > byte_4ED970_skill_learn_ability_by_class_table
unsigned int game_ui_status_bar_event_string_time_left
unsigned int uIconIdx_WaterWalk
unsigned int uNumTerrainNormals
char * pAttackDamageAttributeDescription
std::array< unsigned int, 2 > pHiredNPCsIconsOffsetsY
char * pBodyResistanceAttributeDescription
std::array< const char *, 7 > pMerchantsBuyPhrases
int pWindowList_at_506F50_minus1_indexing[1]
bool _50C9A0_IsEnchantingInProgress
int _506348_current_lloyd_playerid
std::array< char *, 465 > pTransitionStrings
std::array< int, 4 > player_levels
unsigned int uGameUIFontShadow
std::array< unsigned int, 480 > pSRZBufferLineOffsets
int64_t _A750D8_player_speech_timer
unsigned int game_viewport_height
std::array< char, 10000 > pTmpBuf3
char * pMindResistanceAttributeDescription
GameTime _5773B8_event_timer
std::array< int, 11 > price_for_membership
int Start_Party_Teleport_Flag
int _576E2C_current_minimap_zoom
std::string s_SavedMapName
std::array< std::array< int, 6 >, 6 > pNPCPortraits_x
std::array< char, 4 > byte_F8B1F0
std::array< int16_t, 4 > pPlayerPortraitsXCoords_For_PlayerBuffAnimsDrawing
std::array< int16_t, 104 > word_720A70_intercepts_xs_plus_xs
std::array< int, 32 > guild_mambership_flags
std::array< int, 20 > dword_720ED0
float flt_6BE150_look_up_down_dangle
int _506F14_resting_stage
int _50C9D4_AfterEnchClickEventSecondParam
struct FactionTable * pFactionTable
int _unused_5B5924_is_travel_ui_drawn
size_t num_event_triggers
std::array< const char *, 11 > _4E6BDC_loc_names
unsigned int uDialogueType
std::array< int, 777 > _6807B8_level_decorations_ids
std::array< class Image *, 14 > party_buff_icons
int lloyds_beacon_sound_id
std::array< std::array< char, 100 >, 6 > byte_591180
char * pAirResistanceAttributeDescription
int Party_Teleport_Cam_Pitch
char * pHealthPointsAttributeDescription
std::array< unsigned int, 5 > pIconIDs_Turn
std::array< const char *, 4 > pShopOptions
char * pPlayerLevelAttributeDescription
char * pArmourClassAttributeDescription
char * pPlayerAgeAttributeDescription
struct LevelDecoration * _591094_decoration
std::array< int16_t, 104 > word_720B40_intercepts_zs
std::array< unsigned int, 2 > saveload_dlg_ys
int ui_current_text_color
std::array< int, 9 > dword_4EC268
int _50C9A8_item_enchantment_timer
std::array< int, 182 > dword_4F8580
float flt_6BE3A4_debug_recmod1
char pStartingMapName[32]
float flt_6BE3AC_debug_recmod1_x_1_6
char * pAttackBonusAttributeDescription
int uPlayerCreationUI_ArrowAnim
std::array< int16_t, 104 > odm_floor_face_vert_coord_Y
std::array< int16_t, 6 > weapons_Ypos
unsigned int uIconID_TurnHour
std::array< int, 8 > BtnTurnCoord
int gold_transaction_amount
std::array< int, 64 > dword_69B010
float fWalkSpeedMultiplier
std::array< int, 500 > ai_array_4F6638_actor_ids
struct stru367 PortalFace
std::array< char, 16 > byte_6BE124_cfg_textures_DefaultGroundTexture
int Party_Teleport_Z_Speed
std::array< int16_t, 11 > word_4E8152
int dword_507CC0_activ_ch
std::array< int, 100 > dword_50BDA0
std::array< int16_t, 104 > word_7209A0_intercepts_ys_plus_ys
unsigned int game_viewport_width
std::array< std::array< int, 6 >, 6 > pNPCPortraits_y
char * pFireResistanceAttributeDescription
std::array< int, 100 > dword_720020_zvalues
int _507CD4_RestUI_hourglass_anim_controller
std::array< int16_t, 102 > word_720C10_intercepts_xs
GUIButton * HouseNPCPortraitsButtonsList[6]
std::array< std::array< char, 14 >, 7 > byte_4E8168
char * pTransitionsTXT_Raw
struct TileTable * pTileTable
int Autonotes_Misc_page_flag
int dword_507BF0_is_there_popup_onscreen
std::array< int, 2 > Party_Spec_Motion_status_ids
std::array< uint16_t, 50 > pBlueFacesInBLVMinimapIDs
int _506F18_num_minutes_to_sleep
std::array< const char *, 7 > pMerchantsSellPhrases
String game_ui_status_bar_string
std::array< const char *, 513 > pQuestTable
int awards_scroll_bar_created
int64_t lloyds_beacon_spell_level
char * pPlayerConditionAttributeDescription
std::array< int16_t, 49 > word_4F0754
const char * Stat_string_format_2_column_text
Vec3_int_ layingitem_vel_50FDFC
std::array< char, 777 > books_num_items_per_page
std::array< unsigned int, 4 > pManaBarPos
char * pMissleDamageAttributeDescription
std::array< int16_t, 54 > _4F0882_evt_VAR_PlayerItemInHands_vals
std::array< unsigned short, 6 > pMaxLevelPerTrainingHallType
std::array< int, 20 > current_BModel_id
std::array< int, 20 > odm_floor_level
char * dword_723718_autonote_related
std::array< int16_t, 104 > intersect_face_vertex_coords_list_a
std::array< int, 6 > dword_4E4578
char * pFastSpellAttributeDescription
std::array< int16_t, 104 > intersect_face_vertex_coords_list_b
std::array< unsigned int, 2 > saveload_dlg_xs
std::array< int, 50 > dword_50B570
std::array< short, 28 > word_4EE150
std::array< int, 32 > dword_F1B430
std::array< char, 17 > byte_5111F6_OwnedArtifacts
std::array< const char *, 11 > pHouse_ExitPictures
std::array< const char *, 7 > pMerchantsRepairPhrases
int bDialogueUI_InitializeActor_NPC_ID
int uDefaultTravelTime_ByFoot
String game_ui_status_bar_event_string
unsigned int uLoadGameUI_SelectedSlot
char * pPlayerExperienceAttributeDescription
GLsizei const GLchar *const * string
std::array< int, 20 > ceiling_height_level
char * pSpellPointsAttributeDescription
char * pMonsterPlacementTXT_Raw
char _4D864C_force_sw_render_rules
std::array< unsigned int, 2 > saveload_dlg_ws
std::array< char, 100 > Journal_limitation_factor
std::array< uint8_t, 5 > IsPlayerWearingWatersuit
int dword_F8B1AC_award_bit_number
std::array< int16_t, 777 > word_720CE0_ys
float fBackwardWalkSpeedMultiplier
std::array< char, 777 > pDefaultSkyTexture
char * pMissleBonusAttributeDescription
std::array< int16_t, 4 > RightClickPortraitXmin
char * pEarthResistanceAttributeDescription
std::array< unsigned short, 128 *128 *2 > pTerrainNormalIndices
int uCurrentHouse_Animation
int dword_6BE13C_uCurrentlyLoadedLocationID
int uIconID_CharacterFrame
std::array< int, 100 > dword_50BC10
char * pWaterResistanceAttributeDescription
String branchless_dialogue_str
struct NPCData * ptr_50C9E0
std::array< unsigned int, 128 *128 *2 > pTerrainSomeOtherData
int _6807E0_num_decorations_with_sounds_6807B8
unsigned int uGameUIFontMain
int dword_6BE364_game_settings_1
std::array< std::array< int, 2 >, 14 > pPartySpellbuffsUI_XYs
const char * bountyHunting_text