World of Might and Magic
Open reimplementation of Might and Magic 6 7 8 game engine
См. документацию.
69 float radius,
int a8,
int a9);
71 unsigned char g,
unsigned char b);
122 #pragma pack(push, 1)
130 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
138 float radius,
int a8,
int a9);
139 void Reset(
bool bPreserveBloodsplats);
143 unsigned int uSectorID);
145 float a6,
unsigned int uColorMultiplier,
bool ApplyBloodSplatToTerrain(struct Polygon *a2, Vec3_float_ *a3, float *a4, struct RenderVertexSoft *a5, unsigned int uStripType, char a7)
bool ApplyBloodsplatDecals_IndoorFace(unsigned int uFaceID)
static BloodsplatContainer * ResolveBloodsplatContainer()
void AddBloodsplat(float x, float y, float z, float r, float g, float b, float radius, int a8, int a9)
static Log * ResolveLogger()
RenderVertexSoft pVertices[64]
virtual ~BloodsplatContainer()
EGLSurface EGLint EGLint y
void Reset(bool bPreserveBloodsplats)
void DrawDecalDebugOutlines()
DecalBuilder_stru0 * field_C18
double _43B570_get_color_mult_by_time()
Bloodsplat std__vector_pBloodsplats[64]
void AddBloodsplat(float x, float y, float z, float r, float g, float b, float radius, int a8, int a9)
char ApplyDecals(int light_level, char a3, struct stru154 *a4, int a5, struct RenderVertexSoft *a6, struct IndoorCameraD3D_Vec4 *a7, char a8, unsigned int uSectorID)
char ApplyDecals_OutdoorFace(ODMFace *pFace)
uint32_t uColorMultiplier
char _49B790_build_decal_geometry(int a2, char a3, Bloodsplat *a4, int a5, float a6, unsigned int uColorMultiplier, float a8, struct stru314 *a9, signed int a10, struct RenderVertexSoft *a11, char uClipFlags)
BloodsplatContainer * bloodsplat_container
unsigned long long field_20
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean b
GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble r
RenderVertexSoft pVertices[256]
void DrawDecals(float z_bias)
unsigned int std__vector_pBloodsplats_size
unsigned __int32 uint32_t
int std__vector_30B00C[1024]