C_2devent | |
C_evt_raw | |
C_RGBColor | |
CAcromageCardOnTable | |
CActionQueue | |
CActor | |
CActorJob | |
CAIDirection | |
Cam_ai_cardpowerstruct | |
Cam_effects_struct | |
CApplication | |
CApplicationConfig | |
Carcomage_mouse | |
CArcomageCard | |
CArcomageDeck | |
CArcomageGame | |
CArcomageGame_InputMSG | |
CArcomagePlayer | |
CArcomageStartConditions | |
►Carray | |
CNZIArray< _Ty, _Size > | |
CNZIArray< ItemDesc, 800 > | |
CAssetsManager | |
CAudioPlayer | |
CAutonote | |
Cav_alias | |
Cav_intfloat32 | |
Cav_intfloat64 | |
CAVABufferSinkParams | |
CAVBitStreamFilter | |
CAVBitStreamFilterContext | |
CAVBlowfish | |
CAVBSFContext | |
CAVBufferRef | |
CAVBufferSinkParams | |
CAVBufferSrcParameters | |
CAVChapter | |
CAVClass | |
CAVCodec | |
CAVCodecContext | |
CAVCodecDescriptor | |
CAVCodecHWConfig | |
CAVCodecParameters | |
CAVCodecParser | |
CAVCodecParserContext | |
CAVComplexFloat | |
CAVComponentDescriptor | |
CAVContentLightMetadata | |
CAVCPBProperties | |
CAVCUDADeviceContext | |
CAVD3D11FrameDescriptor | |
CAVD3D11VAContext | |
CAVD3D11VADeviceContext | |
CAVD3D11VAFramesContext | |
CAVDeviceCapabilitiesQuery | |
CAVDeviceInfo | |
CAVDeviceInfoList | |
CAVDeviceRect | |
CAVDictionaryEntry | |
CAVDiracSeqHeader | |
CAVDownmixInfo | |
CAVDRMDeviceContext | |
CAVDRMFrameDescriptor | |
CAVDRMLayerDescriptor | |
CAVDRMObjectDescriptor | |
CAVDRMPlaneDescriptor | |
CAVDVProfile | |
CAVDXVA2DeviceContext | |
CAVDXVA2FramesContext | |
CAVDynamicHDRPlus | |
CAVEncryptionInfo | |
CAVEncryptionInitInfo | |
CAVFifoBuffer | |
CAVFilter | |
CAVFilterContext | |
CAVFilterGraph | |
CAVFilterInOut | |
CAVFilterLink | |
CAVFormatContext | |
CAVFrame | |
CAVFrameSideData | |
CAVHDRPlusColorTransformParams | |
CAVHDRPlusPercentile | |
CAVHWAccel | |
CAVHWDeviceContext | |
CAVHWFramesConstraints | |
CAVHWFramesContext | |
CAVIndexEntry | |
CAVInputFormat | |
CAVIOContext | |
CAVIODirContext | |
CAVIODirEntry | |
CAVIOInterruptCB | |
CAVMasteringDisplayMetadata | |
CAVMediaCodecContext | |
CAVMediaCodecDeviceContext | |
CAVMotionVector | |
CAVOption | |
CAVOptionRange | |
CAVOptionRanges | |
CAVOutputFormat | |
CAVPacket | |
CAVPacketList | |
CAVPacketSideData | |
CAVPanScan | |
CAVPicture | |
CAVPixFmtDescriptor | |
CAVProbeData | |
CAVProfile | |
CAVProgram | |
CAVQSVContext | |
CAVQSVDeviceContext | |
CAVQSVFramesContext | |
CAVRational | |
CAVRC4 | |
CAVRegionOfInterest | |
CAVReplayGain | |
CAVSphericalMapping | |
CAVStereo3D | |
CAVStream | |
►CAVStreamWrapper | |
CAVAudioStream | |
CAVVideoStream | |
CAVSubsampleEncryptionInfo | |
CAVSubtitle | |
CAVSubtitleRect | |
CAVTimecode | |
CAVVAAPIDeviceContext | |
CAVVAAPIFramesContext | |
CAVVDPAUContext | |
CAVVDPAUDeviceContext | |
CAVVideotoolboxContext | |
CAward | |
CBBox_int_ | |
CBBox_short_ | |
►Cbinary_function | |
Cci_less | |
Cci_less::nocase_compare | |
CBloodsplat | |
CBloodsplatContainer | |
CBLVDoor | |
CBLVFace | |
CBLVFace_MM7 | |
CBLVFaceExtra | |
CBLVHeader | |
CBLVLightMM6 | |
CBLVLightMM7 | |
CBLVLightMM8 | |
CBLVMapOutline | |
CBLVMapOutlines | |
CBLVRenderParams | |
CBLVSector | |
CBLVSectorMM8 | |
CBonusRange | |
CBspFace | |
CBSPModel | |
CBSPModelData | |
CBSPNode | |
CBspRenderer | |
CBspRenderer_PortalViewportData | |
CBspRenderer_stru0 | |
CBSPVertexBuffer | |
CByteArray | |
CCallBackTimer | |
CCastSpellInfo | |
CCEnchantment | |
CChest | |
CChestDesc | |
CChestDesc_mm7 | |
CChestList | |
CCKeyListElement | |
CColorFormat | |
CCompressedHeader | |
CConditionProcessor | |
CApplication::Configuration | |
CDDM_DLV_Header | |
CDecal | |
CDecalBuilder | |
CDecalBuilder_stru0 | |
►CDecorationDesc_mm6 | |
CDecorationDesc | |
CDecorationList | |
CDiracVersionInfo | |
CLOD::Directory | |
CDMap | |
Cdxva_context | |
Ceffect_params_struct | |
CEGLClientPixmapHI | |
CEngine | |
CEngine_::EngineConfig | |
CEngine_::EngineConfigFactory | |
CEngine_::EngineFactory | |
CEquipemntPair | |
CEventIndex | |
Cexplosion_effect_struct | |
CFactionTable | |
CFFTComplex | |
►CLOD::File | |
CLOD::WriteableFile | |
CLODFile_IconsBitmaps | |
CLODFile_Sprites | |
CLOD::FileHeader | |
Cfixed | |
CFogProbabilityTableEntry | |
CFontData | |
CFormat | |
CFrameTableTxtLine | |
CApplication::Game | |
CGame__StationaryLight | |
CGame_Bloodsplat | |
CGame_stru0 | |
CApplication::GameFactory | |
CGameTime | |
CApplication::GameWindowHandler | |
CGenderTableEntry | |
CGUIButton | |
CGUICharMetric | |
CGUIFont | |
CGUIMessage | |
CGUIMessageQueue | |
CGUIProgressBar | |
►CGUIWindow | |
CGUICredits | |
►CGUIWindow_Book | |
CGUIWindow_AutonotesBook | |
CGUIWindow_CalendarBook | |
CGUIWindow_JournalBook | |
CGUIWindow_LloydsBook | |
CGUIWindow_MapBook | |
CGUIWindow_QuestBook | |
CGUIWindow_TownPortalBook | |
CGUIWindow_BooksButtonOverlay | |
CGUIWindow_CharacterRecord | |
CGUIWindow_Chest | |
CGUIWindow_DebugMenu | |
CGUIWindow_Dialogue | |
CGUIWindow_GameKeyBindings | |
CGUIWindow_GameMenu | |
CGUIWindow_GameOptions | |
CGUIWindow_GameVideoOptions | |
CGUIWindow_GenericDialogue | |
CGUIWindow_House | |
CGUIWindow_Inventory | |
CGUIWindow_Inventory_CastSpell | |
CGUIWindow_Load | |
CGUIWindow_MainMenu | |
CGUIWindow_Modal | |
CGUIWindow_PartyCreation | |
CGUIWindow_QuickReference | |
CGUIWindow_Rest | |
CGUIWindow_RestWindow | |
CGUIWindow_Save | |
CGUIWindow_Scroll | |
CGUIWindow_Spellbook | |
CGUIWindow_Transition | |
CGUIWindow_Travel | |
COnButtonClick | |
COnButtonClick2 | |
COnButtonClick3 | |
COnButtonClick4 | |
COnCancel | |
COnCancel2 | |
COnCancel3 | |
COnCastTargetedSpell | |
COnSaveLoad | |
Cgz_header_s | |
CgzFile_s | |
CHWLContainer | |
CHWLHeader | |
CHWLTexture | |
CHWLTextureHeader | |
►CIAudioDataSource | |
►CAudioBaseDataSource | |
CAudioBufferDataSource | |
CAudioFileDataSource | |
►CIAudioSample | |
CAudioSample16 | |
►CIAudioTrack | |
CAudioTrackS16 | |
CIcon | |
CIconFrame_MM7 | |
CIconFrameTable | |
►CImage | |
►CTexture | |
CTextureD3D | |
CTextureOpenGL | |
CImageHelper | |
►CImageLoader | |
CAlpha_LOD_Loader | |
CBitmaps_LOD_Loader | |
CColorKey_LOD_Loader | |
CImage16bit_LOD_Loader | |
►CPCX_Loader | |
►CPCX_File_Loader | |
CPCX_LOD_File_Loader | |
CPCX_LOD_Loader | |
CSprites_LOD_Loader | |
►CIMemBuffer | |
CMemBuffer | |
►CIMovie | |
CMovie | |
CIndoorCameraD3D | |
CIndoorCameraD3D_stru1 | |
CIndoorCameraD3D_stru2 | |
CIndoorCameraD3D_stru3 | |
►CIndoorCameraD3D_Vec3 | |
CIndoorCameraD3D_Vec4 | |
CIndoorLocation | |
CApplication::IocContainer | |
CEngine_::IocContainer | |
►CIRender | |
►CRenderBase | |
CRender | |
CRenderOpenGL | |
CGraphics::IRenderConfig | |
CGraphics::IRenderConfigFactory | |
CGraphics::IRenderFactory | |
CItemDesc | |
CItemEnchantment | |
CItemGen | |
CItemGen_Image_MM7 | |
CItemSpecialEnchantment | |
CItemsTable | |
CIVideoDataSource | |
CKeyboard | |
CKeyboardActionMapping | |
CLevelDecoration | |
CLightmap | |
CLightmapBuilder | |
CLightsData | |
CLightsStack_MobileLight_ | |
CLightsStack_StationaryLight_ | |
CLloydBeacon | |
CLloydBeacon_Image_MM7 | |
CSpellFX_Billboard::local_01 | |
CLocalization | |
CLocationTime_stru1 | |
►CLODSpriteHeader | |
CLODSprite | |
CLODSpriteLine | |
CLog | |
CMapInfo | |
CMapsLongTimer | |
CMapStats | |
CMatrix3x3_float_ | |
CApplication::Menu | |
CMobileLight | |
CMonsterDesc | |
CMonsterDesc_mm6 | |
CMonsterInfo | |
CMonsterList | |
CMonsterStats | |
CMouse | |
CVideoList::MovieHeader | |
CMPlayer | |
CVideoList::Node | |
CNPCData | |
CNPCData_Image_MM7 | |
CNPCGreeting | |
CNPCProfession | |
CNPCProfessionChance | |
CNPCStats | |
CNPCTopic | |
CObjectDesc | |
CObjectDesc_mm6 | |
CObjectList | |
CODMFace | |
CODMFace_MM7 | |
CODMHeader | |
CODMRenderParams | |
COpenALSoundProvider | |
COptionsMenuSkin | |
►COSWindow | |
CSdl2Window | |
CWinApiWindow | |
COSWindowFactory | |
COtherOverlay | |
COtherOverlay_Image_MM7 | |
COtherOverlayList | |
COtherOverlayList_Image_MM7 | |
COutdoorLocation | |
COutdoorLocationTerrain | |
COutdoorLocationTileType | |
COverlayDesc | |
COverlayList | |
CPaletteManager | |
CParticle | |
CParticle_sw | |
CParticleEngine | |
CParty | |
CParty_Image_MM7 | |
CPartyTimeStruct | |
CPartyTimeStruct_Image_MM7 | |
CPCXHeader | |
CPlane_float_ | |
CPlane_int_ | |
CPlayer | |
CPlayer_Image_MM7 | |
CPlayerBuffAnim | |
CPlayerCreation_AttributeProps | |
CPlayerEquipment | |
CPlayerEquipment_Image_MM7 | |
CPlayerFrame | |
CPlayerFrameTable | |
CPlayerSpellbookChapter | |
CPlayerSpellbookChapter_Image_MM7 | |
CPlayerSpells | |
CPlayerSpells_Image_MM7 | |
CPoint | |
CPolygon | |
CProjectileAnim | |
CRandom | |
CRcOverride | |
CRect | |
CRenderBillboard | |
CRenderBillboardD3D | |
CRenderD3D | |
CRenderD3D__DevInfo | |
CRenderD3D_aux | |
CRenderD3D_D3DDevDesc | |
CRenderVertexD3D3 | |
CRenderVertexSoft | |
CSavegameHeader | |
CSavegameList | |
CSDL_AssertData | |
CSDL_atomic_t | A type representing an atomic integer value. It is a struct so people don't accidentally use numeric operations on it |
CSDL_AudioCVT | A structure to hold a set of audio conversion filters and buffers |
CSDL_AudioDeviceEvent | Audio device event structure (event.adevice.*) |
CSDL_AudioSpec | |
CSDL_Color | |
CSDL_CommonEvent | Fields shared by every event |
CSDL_ControllerAxisEvent | Game controller axis motion event structure (event.caxis.*) |
CSDL_ControllerButtonEvent | Game controller button event structure (event.cbutton.*) |
CSDL_ControllerDeviceEvent | Controller device event structure (event.cdevice.*) |
CSDL_DisplayEvent | Display state change event data (event.display.*) |
CSDL_DisplayMode | The structure that defines a display mode |
CSDL_DollarGestureEvent | Dollar Gesture Event (event.dgesture.*) |
CSDL_DropEvent | An event used to request a file open by the system (event.drop.*) This event is enabled by default, you can disable it with SDL_EventState() |
CSDL_Event | General event structure |
CSDL_Finger | |
CSDL_FPoint | The structure that defines a point (floating point) |
CSDL_FRect | A rectangle, with the origin at the upper left (floating point) |
CSDL_GameControllerButtonBind | |
CSDL_HapticCondition | A structure containing a template for a Condition effect |
CSDL_HapticConstant | A structure containing a template for a Constant effect |
CSDL_HapticCustom | A structure containing a template for the ::SDL_HAPTIC_CUSTOM effect |
CSDL_HapticDirection | Structure that represents a haptic direction |
CSDL_HapticEffect | The generic template for any haptic effect |
CSDL_HapticLeftRight | A structure containing a template for a Left/Right effect |
CSDL_HapticPeriodic | A structure containing a template for a Periodic effect |
CSDL_HapticRamp | A structure containing a template for a Ramp effect |
CSDL_JoyAxisEvent | Joystick axis motion event structure (event.jaxis.*) |
CSDL_JoyBallEvent | Joystick trackball motion event structure (event.jball.*) |
CSDL_JoyButtonEvent | Joystick button event structure (event.jbutton.*) |
CSDL_JoyDeviceEvent | Joystick device event structure (event.jdevice.*) |
CSDL_JoyHatEvent | Joystick hat position change event structure (event.jhat.*) |
CSDL_JoystickGUID | |
CSDL_KeyboardEvent | Keyboard button event structure (event.key.*) |
CSDL_Keysym | The SDL keysym structure, used in key events |
CSDL_MessageBoxButtonData | Individual button data |
CSDL_MessageBoxColor | RGB value used in a message box color scheme |
CSDL_MessageBoxColorScheme | A set of colors to use for message box dialogs |
CSDL_MessageBoxData | MessageBox structure containing title, text, window, etc |
CSDL_MouseButtonEvent | Mouse button event structure (event.button.*) |
CSDL_MouseMotionEvent | Mouse motion event structure (event.motion.*) |
CSDL_MouseWheelEvent | Mouse wheel event structure (event.wheel.*) |
CSDL_MultiGestureEvent | Multiple Finger Gesture Event (event.mgesture.*) |
CSDL_OSEvent | OS Specific event |
CSDL_Palette | |
CSDL_PixelFormat | |
CSDL_Point | The structure that defines a point (integer) |
CSDL_QuitEvent | The "quit requested" event |
CSDL_Rect | A rectangle, with the origin at the upper left (integer) |
CSDL_RendererInfo | Information on the capabilities of a render driver or context |
CSDL_RWops | |
CSDL_SensorEvent | Sensor event structure (event.sensor.*) |
CSDL_Surface | A collection of pixels used in software blitting |
CSDL_SysWMEvent | A video driver dependent system event (event.syswm.*) This event is disabled by default, you can enable it with SDL_EventState() |
CSDL_SysWMinfo | |
CSDL_SysWMmsg | |
CSDL_TextEditingEvent | Keyboard text editing event structure (event.edit.*) |
CSDL_TextInputEvent | Keyboard text input event structure (event.text.*) |
CSDL_TouchFingerEvent | Touch finger event structure (event.tfinger.*) |
CSDL_UserEvent | A user-defined event type (event.user.*) |
CSDL_version | Information the version of SDL in use |
CSDL_WindowEvent | Window state change event data (event.window.*) |
CSDL_WindowShapeMode | A struct that tags the SDL_WindowShapeParams union with an enum describing the type of its contents |
CSDL_WindowShapeParams | A union containing parameters for shaped windows |
CSDLTest_CommonState | |
CSDLTest_Crc32Context | |
CSDLTest_Md5Context | |
CSDLTest_RandomContext | |
CSDLTest_SurfaceImage_s | |
CSDLTest_TestCaseReference | |
CSDLTest_TestSuiteReference | |
CSkyBillboardStruct | |
CSoftwareBillboard | |
►CSoundDesc_mm6 | |
CSoundDesc | |
CAudioPlayer::SoundHeader | |
CSoundHeader_mm7 | |
CSoundInfo | |
CSoundList | |
Cspark_point_struct | |
CSpawnPointMM6 | |
CSpawnPointMM7 | |
CSpellBookIconPos | |
CSpellBuff | |
CSpellBuff_Image_MM7 | |
CSpellData | |
CSpellFX_Billboard | |
CSpellFxRenderer | |
CSpellInfo | |
CSpellStats | |
CsPoint | |
CSprite | |
CSpriteFrame | |
►CSpriteFrame_MM6 | |
CSpriteFrame_MM7 | |
CSpriteFrameTable | |
CSpriteObject | |
Cstat_coord | |
CStationaryLight | |
CStorylineRecord | |
CStorylineText | |
COpenALSoundProvider::StreamingTrackBuffer | |
Cstru10 | |
Cstru123 | |
Cstru141_actor_collision_object | |
Cstru154 | |
Cstru159 | |
►Cstru160 | |
Cstru16x | |
Cstru193_math | |
Cstru262_TurnBased | |
Cstru298 | |
Cstru2_LineList | |
Cstru312 | |
Cstru314 | |
Cstru315 | |
Cstru316 | |
Cstru319 | |
Cstru324_spell_id_to_sprite_mapping | |
Cstru336 | |
Cstru337 | |
Cstru337_stru0 | |
Cstru352 | |
Cstru355 | |
Cstru365_travel_info | |
Cstru367 | |
Cstru6_stru2 | |
Cstru9 | |
CSummonedItem | |
CSwsFilter | |
CSwsVector | |
CTexture_MM7 | |
CTextureFrame | |
CTextureFrame_MM7 | |
CTextureFrameTable | |
CTextureHeader | |
CTileDesc | |
CTileDesc_MM7 | |
CTileTable | |
CTimer | |
CTimer_Image_MM7 | |
CTownPortalData | |
COpenALSoundProvider::TrackBuffer | |
CTrailParticle | |
CTrailParticleGenerator | |
CTravelInfo | |
CTurnBased_QueueElem | |
CUIAnimation | |
CUIAnimation_MM7 | |
Cunaligned_16 | |
Cunaligned_32 | |
Cunaligned_64 | |
Cvaapi_context | |
►CVec2< T > | |
CVec3< T > | |
►CVec2< int > | |
CVec3< int > | |
CVec3_float_ | |
CVec4_int_ | |
►Cvector | |
CBSPModelList | |
CVertexBuffer | |
CVideoList | |
CViewingParams | |
CViewport | |
CVis | |
CVis_ObjectInfo | |
CVis_SelectionFilter | |
CVis_SelectionList | |
CWeather | |
CWindowManager | |
Cxvmc_pix_fmt | |
Cz_stream_s | |